Fall is here and that means in 3 months Ethan will turn 1..it is such a scary thought and exciting at the same time! It is amazing how much he has changed over these past few months and always keeping us on our toes. He is finally getting a tooth in and starting to walk. I just want to cuddle him and keep him this small but I know that its going to be an amazing adventure seeing how he grows up and what he accomplishs.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Fall is here
Fall is here and that means in 3 months Ethan will turn 1..it is such a scary thought and exciting at the same time! It is amazing how much he has changed over these past few months and always keeping us on our toes. He is finally getting a tooth in and starting to walk. I just want to cuddle him and keep him this small but I know that its going to be an amazing adventure seeing how he grows up and what he accomplishs.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
9 months already
Sunday, July 5, 2009
oh the memories
so i was thinking today about the past 7 months and its been a whirlwind. I can't believe that ethan is already crawling and standing up..yup he pulls himself up.so soon he's probably going to start walking then we are in big trouble! and i was also thinking i still haven't given him a bath in the sink..maybe odd to some ppl but i remember being a kid and at my grem's and all the younger ones would be a bath in the sink. weird i know..so this past weekend was okay. we had off since thursday. here's what we did
thurs went to luxembourg it was okay..probably won't go again maybe see some more of the tourist sites since we didn't get to b.c of the ppl we were with. i also finally got my wedding ring. its soo beautiful..its call the chance at love and was made in paris! its 24k white gold and has 0,20 karat. not sure what it equals to in american but its bigger than my other one so im thinking like a half or something. i'll post a pic at the end.
friday we were bums didn't do much cleaned alittle bit and got will an ipod he was all tickled since he's been wanting one. and ethan turned 7 months old!!!! yay!!!!!!
saturday we went to base and went to the picnic and saw the fireworks it was pretty cool ethan watched them for a bit but then got bored.
today we were bums again. did some more cleaning and then just layed around the house really. its been so dang hot here. we've been trying to figure out how to stay cool since none of the houses here have a/c unless you go buy them so we may cave and buy one soon..and cable. now that everything is done with the house and things have finally settled down i am going to do thank you cards...very late i know..don't hate me everyone and get them sent off.
Monday, June 29, 2009
new pics
Sunday, June 21, 2009
eventful father's day
first ethan had us up late last night so we ended up just being lazy and spending time in bed. i was up with ethan about 930 i think then he napped at 1230 so i took one 2. after that i decided to make these chicken fajita things..i'll post the recepie at the end..after i made them and put them in the oven for the 30 mins. they still werent done so i put them on the grill (im excited cuz we finally got a propane grill so i can grill anytime now..im not one for waiting around to get my grub..with a big family if you dont get it asap you starve!) any way i put it on there for about 20 more mins and cleaned up some of our boxes and lowered ethans bed. the little rascal almost fell out the other night will said b/c it was 2 high. so after i got the stuff of the grill and set the table it was chow down time...well i guess i didn't put enough water in so the stuff could steam. the rice was still hard and the veggies alittle chewy..but chicken was done so that satified me. so while eating i figured hey i just cut up watermelon, i saw that watermelon was okay to give infants so i gave some to ethan and we got some good laughs out of his faces until he shoved a full piece down his throat and started gagging!! so im trying to get it and he ends up throwing up all over the place...yummy...so now i feel like a bad mom and ethans going to hate me..nope he wants to snuggle and rub his puke all over me..will's laughing at this point. so now im a wreck and just want to be alone so i wont hurt him again. so will takes him and he ends up falling asleep. soo he wakes up after his nap and im going through boxes i find his precious moments foot frame..so bright idea lets do this while i have the energy..well omg it was hilarious..his foot was to big for the actual frame piece so we went ahead and put it on reg paper. so we have foot and hand prints. then he decides to put it all over his body and face. so the lil man goes into the tub and is having a grand ole time. so now he's all clean and hopefully settling down. so im gonna go try to give him a bottle and put him in his crib.
Happy Father's Day to everyone!!!
Foil-Pack Chicken Fajita Dinner i added more rice b/c it didn't seem like alot
Prep Time: 10 min Total Time: 45 min Makes: 4 servings
What You Need!1-1/2 cups instant white rice, uncooked
1-1/2 cups hot water
1 Tbsp. TACO BELL® HOME ORIGINALS® Taco Seasoning Mix (i put the whole thing in)
4 small boneless skinless chicken breast halves (1 lb.)
1 each green and red pepper, cut into strips 1/2 cup TACO BELL® HOME ORIGINALS® Thick 'N Chunky Salsa
1/2 cup KRAFT Mexican Style Finely Shredded Taco Cheese Make It!
HEAT oven to 400ºF.
FOLD up all sides of each of 4 large sheets of heavy-duty foil to form 1-inch rim; spray with cooking spray. Combine rice, water and taco seasoning; spoon onto foil. Top with remaining ingredients.
BRING up foil sides. Double fold top and ends to seal each packet, leaving room for heat circulation inside. Place in 15x10x1-inch pan.
BAKE 30 to 35 min. or until chicken is done (165ºF). Let stand 5 min. Cut slits in foil to release steam before opening packets.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Ethan crawling
Sunday, June 14, 2009
6 months and a trip to Belgium
wow time has flown by it just felt like yesterday that I was as big as a house and ready for Ethan to come out. Now he's here and its so amazing!! He's just starting to crawl and loves to eat his baby food and is already a world traveler by the age of 6 months! We haven't gone to the pediatrician yet b/c they are going to a different base and waiting for a new one so not sure how big he is..but he is a handful.
We took a day trip to Belgium today and it was lots of fun. We went furniture shopping didn't buy anthing but got tons of ideas! Will and I had some Jeigersnitzel that was really good and some gelato so yummy! Ethan liked the gelato too. I will try to post more but we just finally got a house and some of our stuff so the fun of unpacking begins. Will still hasn't gotten a job, was offered one but has to fill out tons of paperwork so hopefully soon he can start. Other than that nothing really is happening.
Hope everyone enjoys their weekend
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
4 month check up and moving news

Saturday, January 31, 2009
ethan's story

so on dec 2 2008 will and i had gone for my check up and saw susan our midwife. she checked my cervix (was a 3)and asked if i wanted to get the cervix swap..i really didn't know what it was and she explained that it will help loosen the tissue and most likely that night i would start contractions. i said sure why not. will was grossed out by it but thats a normal thing. so we went home and at about 2 am i started to really cramp and woke me up from a dead sleep. so for about 30mins i started counting the mins and was in imense pain. i got a shower, figured it would be the last good one i had for along time, and woke will. i woke him up and told him its time to go to the hospital of course he thought i was just joking but when he saw the pain i was in he realized i wasn't. we had talked about the whole going to the hospital the night before and with the midwife and knew we could take our time and had most of our stuff ready. so will packed the car and we were off..we got to the hospital about 330 am and went up to labor and delivery. i told them who i was and they took us to a room where they looked at my cervix (already a 5) and hooked me up to the monitors. i think we were in there for about 20-30 mins and the nurse saw how much pain i was in and moved me right to one of the delivery rooms. she asked if i thought about using an epideral and i said yes i want it. im a sucker and dont deal with pain that well. so we went to the delivery room and waited for susan and the anethisialogiest to come. he came about 5 and hooked me up and yay!! no more pain. i was in an out of sleep till about 7. when i called my parents,grem and aunt marcy to let them kno what was going on. at about 8 am my friend heather came in she going to help me through the delivery since will was going to be in the delivery room but sitting down. so we just chilled for awhile susan and the nurse came in and looked at my cervix my water hadn't broken yet so they did it for me. and then it was game on. at about 1030 we started to push we joked that we wanted to be done by lunchtime. Boy were we wrong. we pushed for about an hour and he wasn't moving really. so we decided to take a break. they came back in and checked on me and by then i was starting to feel things b/c lo and behold my epideral was running out..not very fun!! so we started to try to push again but he wasn't budging b/c he was stuck behind my pelvic bone go figure..no wonder i could feel all the pain i did. so they decided to use the suction cup and as they were pulling it popped off his head..fantastic by this time the epideral has run out and they are trying to hook another one up so they get the anethsialogist in to give me a direct line..helped alittle but o the pain i could feel..i could just imagine the women that do it without any drugs. so during all this i start hyperventalating and they put a mask on me..im freaking out bc of the pain..wills freaking out bc im in pain and the nurses are b/c i maybe going into an emergency c-section..but before that they bring in doc ferber to see if he can use the forceps..he says he can but it took about 20 mins for them to find the right pair...so once he gets the right pair we are ready to go. he's pulling im pushing and out pops ethan howard hutchison 8lbs 8 oz 20 inches long on DEC 3 2008 at 1:24 pm.