okay so i finally have time to write about the birth and all that jazz
so on dec 2 2008 will and i had gone for my check up and saw susan our midwife. she checked my cervix (was a 3)and asked if i wanted to get the cervix swap..i really didn't know what it was and she explained that it will help loosen the tissue and most likely that night i would start contractions. i said sure why not. will was grossed out by it but thats a normal thing. so we went home and at about 2 am i started to really cramp and woke me up from a dead sleep. so for about 30mins i started counting the mins and was in imense pain. i got a shower, figured it would be the last good one i had for along time, and woke will. i woke him up and told him its time to go to the hospital of course he thought i was just joking but when he saw the pain i was in he realized i wasn't. we had talked about the whole going to the hospital the night before and with the midwife and knew we could take our time and had most of our stuff ready. so will packed the car and we were off..we got to the hospital about 330 am and went up to labor and delivery. i told them who i was and they took us to a room where they looked at my cervix (already a 5) and hooked me up to the monitors. i think we were in there for about 20-30 mins and the nurse saw how much pain i was in and moved me right to one of the delivery rooms. she asked if i thought about using an epideral and i said yes i want it. im a sucker and dont deal with pain that well. so we went to the delivery room and waited for susan and the anethisialogiest to come. he came about 5 and hooked me up and yay!! no more pain. i was in an out of sleep till about 7. when i called my parents,grem and aunt marcy to let them kno what was going on. at about 8 am my friend heather came in she going to help me through the delivery since will was going to be in the delivery room but sitting down. so we just chilled for awhile susan and the nurse came in and looked at my cervix my water hadn't broken yet so they did it for me. and then it was game on. at about 1030 we started to push we joked that we wanted to be done by lunchtime. Boy were we wrong. we pushed for about an hour and he wasn't moving really. so we decided to take a break. they came back in and checked on me and by then i was starting to feel things b/c lo and behold my epideral was running out..not very fun!! so we started to try to push again but he wasn't budging b/c he was stuck behind my pelvic bone go figure..no wonder i could feel all the pain i did. so they decided to use the suction cup and as they were pulling it popped off his head..fantastic by this time the epideral has run out and they are trying to hook another one up so they get the anethsialogist in to give me a direct line..helped alittle but o the pain i could feel..i could just imagine the women that do it without any drugs. so during all this i start hyperventalating and they put a mask on me..im freaking out bc of the pain..wills freaking out bc im in pain and the nurses are b/c i maybe going into an emergency c-section..but before that they bring in doc ferber to see if he can use the forceps..he says he can but it took about 20 mins for them to find the right pair...so once he gets the right pair we are ready to go. he's pulling im pushing and out pops ethan howard hutchison 8lbs 8 oz 20 inches long on DEC 3 2008 at 1:24 pm.
so on dec 2 2008 will and i had gone for my check up and saw susan our midwife. she checked my cervix (was a 3)and asked if i wanted to get the cervix swap..i really didn't know what it was and she explained that it will help loosen the tissue and most likely that night i would start contractions. i said sure why not. will was grossed out by it but thats a normal thing. so we went home and at about 2 am i started to really cramp and woke me up from a dead sleep. so for about 30mins i started counting the mins and was in imense pain. i got a shower, figured it would be the last good one i had for along time, and woke will. i woke him up and told him its time to go to the hospital of course he thought i was just joking but when he saw the pain i was in he realized i wasn't. we had talked about the whole going to the hospital the night before and with the midwife and knew we could take our time and had most of our stuff ready. so will packed the car and we were off..we got to the hospital about 330 am and went up to labor and delivery. i told them who i was and they took us to a room where they looked at my cervix (already a 5) and hooked me up to the monitors. i think we were in there for about 20-30 mins and the nurse saw how much pain i was in and moved me right to one of the delivery rooms. she asked if i thought about using an epideral and i said yes i want it. im a sucker and dont deal with pain that well. so we went to the delivery room and waited for susan and the anethisialogiest to come. he came about 5 and hooked me up and yay!! no more pain. i was in an out of sleep till about 7. when i called my parents,grem and aunt marcy to let them kno what was going on. at about 8 am my friend heather came in she going to help me through the delivery since will was going to be in the delivery room but sitting down. so we just chilled for awhile susan and the nurse came in and looked at my cervix my water hadn't broken yet so they did it for me. and then it was game on. at about 1030 we started to push we joked that we wanted to be done by lunchtime. Boy were we wrong. we pushed for about an hour and he wasn't moving really. so we decided to take a break. they came back in and checked on me and by then i was starting to feel things b/c lo and behold my epideral was running out..not very fun!! so we started to try to push again but he wasn't budging b/c he was stuck behind my pelvic bone go figure..no wonder i could feel all the pain i did. so they decided to use the suction cup and as they were pulling it popped off his head..fantastic by this time the epideral has run out and they are trying to hook another one up so they get the anethsialogist in to give me a direct line..helped alittle but o the pain i could feel..i could just imagine the women that do it without any drugs. so during all this i start hyperventalating and they put a mask on me..im freaking out bc of the pain..wills freaking out bc im in pain and the nurses are b/c i maybe going into an emergency c-section..but before that they bring in doc ferber to see if he can use the forceps..he says he can but it took about 20 mins for them to find the right pair...so once he gets the right pair we are ready to go. he's pulling im pushing and out pops ethan howard hutchison 8lbs 8 oz 20 inches long on DEC 3 2008 at 1:24 pm.